If you are searching for details on the admission process of Kendriya Vidyalaya schools across India for Class 1 in 2023-24, we have got you covered! Our all-inclusive manual contains everything you need to know about the admission procedure. You can quickly obtain essential documents such as the notification, guidelines, and schedule PDFs for students. Ensure your child’s admission for the upcoming academic year by availing of this opportunity.
Kendriya Vidyalaya 2023 Admission Synopsis
Department | Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan |
Ministry | Ministry of Education |
Subject | KVS Admission Process |
Session | 2023-2024 |
Official Portal | kvsangathan.nic.in |
KV Admission Guidelines | PDF Download |
KV Admission Notice | PDF Download |
KV Admission Schedule | PDF Download |
KV School Admission Schedule 2023-24
Are you preparing for the Kendriya Vidyalaya Admission Schedule 2023-24? Here’s everything you need to know about the admission process for the upcoming academic year:
- The advertisement for KV School Admission Schedule 2023-24 will be released by March 25, 2023.
Online registration for Class-I opens on March 27, 2023, at 10:00 AM and closes on April 17, 2023, at 7:00 PM. - The provisional select and waitlist of registered candidates will be announced in three successive lists, with the first list coming out on April 20, 2023.
- Admission for eligible candidates of selected lists will be conducted in the following order: RTE,
- From Service Priority Category (I and II) only, and Shortfall of Reservation Quota after admission in (i) and (ii) above.
- The extended date for the second notification for offline registrations is May 11, 2023.
- Registration for Class-II onwards (except Class XI) will be subject to the availability of vacancies in a particular class from April 3 to April 12, 2023.
- Admission for Class II onwards will take place from April 18 to April 29, 2023.
- The last date for admission for all classes except Class XI is June 30, 2023.
- Registration for admission in Class XI for KV students will commence within 10 days after the declaration of class X results.
- Display of admission list and admissions for Class-XI for KV students will be within 20 days after the declaration of class X results.
- Registration, display of admission list, and admissions in Class XI for Non-KV students are subject to the availability of vacancies after the admissions of KV students in Class XI.
- The last date for admission for Class XI is 30 days from the date of declaration of class-X results by CBSE.
Note that all lists of candidates registered, eligible children, provisionally selected children, waiting list, and subsequent lists will be displayed on the websites of the respective Kendriya Vidyalayas, in addition to the school’s notice board. If any of the dates happen to be a public holiday, the next working day shall be considered as the opening or closing date. Stay informed and get ready for KV School Admission Schedule 2023-24 with this complete guide to the admission process.
KVS Admission Notification 2023-2024
Attention parents and guardians! The KV School Admission Notification for the academic year 2023-24 is out now. Online registration for admission to Class-I in Kendriya Vidyalayas commences on 27.03.2023 at 10:00 am and closes on 17.04.2023 at 07:00 pm. To access admission details, kindly visit https://kvsonlineadmission.kvs.gov.in or download the Android MobileApp.
Please note that the minimum age for admission in Class-I is 6 years, and age reckoning for all classes shall be as of 31.03.2023. Reservation of seats shall adhere to KVS Admission Guidelines 2023-24 available on our website at https://kvsangathan.nic.in
For easy access, we’ve provided an official Android Mobile App for KVS Online Admission for Class-I for the Academic Year 2023-24. Download and installation instructions are available at https://kvsonlineadmission.kvs.gov.in/apps/. You can also find the app at Google Play Store. Kindly go through the instructions carefully before using it.
Registration for Class II and above will start from 03.04.2023 (Monday) at 08:00 am to 12.04.2023 (Wednesday) at 04:00 pm, only if vacancies exist in offline mode. The duly filled up form should be submitted to the office of the Principal in the respective KV. All admission and registration form details for Class-II and above are available on Vidyalaya Websites, and registrations can be done as per the Schedule for Admission-2023-24.
Please note that registration for Class-II and above will only be accepted if vacancies exist in the respective KV. Also, admission will not be granted if wrong or misleading information is found on the application form upon scrutiny by the KV. Lastly, kindly contact the Principal/Admission In-charge only when called in the given time slot. Apply for KV School Admission Notification 2023-24 today!
KV School Admission Guidelines 2023-24
Common KV Admission Procedure for CG Employees
- An individual employed by the central government in a regular capacity, whose salary is drawn from the Consolidated Fund of India, is referred to as a Central Government Employee.
- To be classified as transferable, an employee must have been relocated at least once in the previous seven years.
- An employee can be considered as transferred if they have been moved by the authorized entity from one location or urban cluster to another that is a minimum of 20 kilometers apart and has stayed at their new place of residence for no less than six months.
- Fully government-funded organizations or those with a government share exceeding 51% will be classified as Autonomous Bodies/Public Sector Undertakings.
- Single Girl Child is an only female offspring with no siblings to her parents.
Who are Given Priorities in KVS Admission 2023-2024?
Kendriya Vidyalayas under the civil and defense sectors prioritize the admission of certain groups of students. These include:
- Children of both transferable and non-transferable Central government employees, as well as ex-servicemen. This also encompasses children of foreign national officials who come to India on invitation by the Government of India.
- Children of transferable and non-transferable employees of Autonomous Bodies/Public Sector Undertaking/Institute of Higher Learning of the Government of India.
- Children of transferable and non-transferable State government employees.
- Children of transferable and non-transferable employees of Autonomous Bodies/ Public Sector Undertakings/Institute of Higher Learning of the state governments.
- Children from any other category, including those of foreign nationals who are located in India due to their work or personal reasons. Admission preference will be given to children whose parents have had the highest number of transfers in the past 7 years. It is important to note that children of foreign nationals will only be considered if there are no children of Indian nationals waitlisted for admission.
How to Get Admission in Kendriya Vidyalaya For Private Employees 2023-24?
The following are the categories for admission preference in the Vidyalaya:
- Children and grandchildren of employees from Project Sector/Institutes of Higher Learning, including children of Post Graduate students on long term research projects, regular Council of Wardens (COW) employees, and retired employees. Admission preference order is for serving employees’ children and grandchildren, followed by retired employees’ children and grandchildren.
- Children of transferable and non-transferable Central government employees, ex-servicemen, and Foreign National officials who come to India on deputation or transfer.
- Children of transferable and non-transferable employees from Autonomous Bodies/Public Sector Undertaking/Institute of Higher Learning of the Government of India.
- Children of transferable and non-transferable State Government employees.
- Children of transferable and non-transferable employees from Autonomous Bodies/ Public Sector Undertakings/Institute of Higher Learning of the State Governments.
- Children from any other category, including Foreign Nationals residing in India. Admission preference is based on the number of times parents have been transferred in the last 7 years. However, children of Indian Nationals have priority over Foreign Nationals.
KV Admission Age Eligibility Table 2023-24
Admission to Class I in Kendriya Vidyalayas requires a child to be 6 years old by 31st March of the admission academic year, including those born on 1st April. The age requirements for admission into different classes are as follows: Class I – 6 to 8 years, Class II – 7 to 9 years, Class III – 7 to 9 years, Class IV – 8 to 10 years, Class V – 9 to 11 years, Class VI – 10 to 12 years, Class VII – 11 to 13 years, Class VIII – 12 to 14 years, Class IX – 13 to 15 years, and Class X – 14 to 16 years. If a child has a disability, the maximum age limit can be extended by two years. Admission to Class XI has no age restriction as long as the student is applying in the same year as passing Class X. Similarly, there is no upper or lower age limit for admission to Class XII if there was no gap in the student’s continuous study after passing Class XI.
KV to KV Student Transfer Rules 2023-2024
If a parent has been transferred from one station to another, children with KV Transfer Certificate (TC) are eligible for automatic admission, even if it surpasses the class strength limit. In cases where the class strength reaches 55, additional sections should be opened. Members of Defence personnel and Para-military Forces who move their families to a preferred station following a transfer to non-family or Naxal affected areas can enrol their children on KV TC in a KV situated at the station where they will be based.
However, if there is no transfer involved, an admission with KV TC will only be approved after seeking the prior consent of the Deputy Commissioner of the concerned region. Admission for all local transfers will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and must be approved by the respective DC on merit. In the case of project KVs, students with KV TC are permitted only up to a maximum of 45 students per class with the prior agreement from Chairman, VMC. The DC of the region has the authority to grant admission in the nearest KV project school in highly deserving cases beyond the aforementioned limit.
Fresh Admission for Class X and XII in KV 2023-24
Admissions to class X and XII for non-KV students will be considered only if there are available vacancies and the average class strength is below 40. Such admissions will be reviewed by the Deputy Commissioner of the related region, provided that the child has maintained the same course of study in a CBSE-affiliate school, has achieved a minimum of 55% aggregate marks in class IX for class X admission, and has scored at least 55% marks in their class XI examination for class XII admission. Additionally, the child must meet all other KVS admission guidelines for eligibility and have selected subject combinations available at Kendriya Vidyalayas.
Kendriya Vidyalaya Registration Process 2023-24
- If there are no available seats or possibility of any opening in a class, registration cannot be done. However, if a vacancy arises later on, interested individuals can apply after the news has been widely advertised locally or on the Vidyalaya website. Admission will then follow KVS Admission Guidelines.
- If less than the expected number of children have registered resulting in unfilled seats, the Principal will post a second notification in May or June to indicate available vacancies.
- Admissions require approval by the Vidyalaya’s Executive Committee. If they do not give their approval for admission to fill the sanctioned class size, the Principal must notify the Deputy Commissioner, who may grant permission.
- For Class XI registration, students may submit applications immediately after the announcement of the Class X results. Admissions should be completed within 20 days of the CBSE results’ publication. If the Executive Committee does not approve the admission of all eligible students, the procedure for other classes mentioned earlier should be followed. Admissions up to the sanctioned number must be completed within 30 days of the CBSE results’ announcement with the Deputy Commissioner’s approval.
- The Principal should make registration forms available to applicants at no cost. However, for Class I registration, interested individuals must apply online through the Online Admission Portal. Applicants must submit completed forms, including necessary documents, to their corresponding Vidyalaya by the deadline listed on KVS’s notification.
- Attested copies of necessary documents must accompany all registration application forms.
KV Admission Documents Required for Class 1 for 2023-24
Affidavit for Single Girl Child: This is an affidavit for a single girl child seeking admission to a Kendriya Vidyalaya school. The affidavit states that the child is the only girl in the family with no male or female siblings. The parent or guardian must inform the school immediately if there is any change in this status. False information will result in appropriate action taken by the school authorities and KVS.
Died In Harness Certificate: The Died In Harness Certificate certifies that a person is the child of a deceased employee who worked for a specific office or department and died while in service.
Age Proof Certificate: Notified Area Council, Municipality, Municipal Corporation, Village Panchayat, Military Hospital, and Defence personnel service records provide Class I birth certificates. Other classes can use the State Education Department-recognized school’s transfer certificate with the birthdate. Parents should receive authority-verified birth certificates. Class VIII admits eligible students with government-issued birth certificates without a transfer certificate.
Caster Certificate: The school requires a certificate from a State/Union Government Competent Authority stating that the kid is Scheduled Caste/Tribe/EWS/OBC (Non-Creamy Layer)/BPL. If the child’s certificate is missing, a parent’s may be accepted. Three months following admission, the child’s certificate is required.
PWD Certificate: A disabled child must get a certificate from the civil surgeon/rehabilitation centre or similar authorised authority designated by the Government of India. If the disability is visible, the principal may accept the child without a medical certificate. Parents should be encouraged to get and give the school official credentials.
Service Certificate: The office head must sign and stamp a service certificate with their name and title. Uniformed Defence employees need a retirement certificate.
Residence Proof Certificate: Self Declaration Distance Between School And Residence. The parent/guardian must provide residence evidence.
RTE Admission For Class 1 in KVS 2023-2024
Following the admission of students under the RTE Act, the next step is to admit differently-abled children, followed by those belonging to Category 1. Category 1 includes students from SC/ST/OBC-NCL groups. Category 2 admission will follow the admission of Category 1, with SC/ST/OBC-NCL students being considered up to Category 3 in the case of Project/IHL School. Any shortfall in the number of reserved seats for SC, ST and OBC-NCL will be calculated after taking into account the number of RTE quota, Priority Cat-1 and Cat-2 admissions of SC/ST/OBC-NCL children. These reservation rules apply to a class strength of 40 students per section, with 25% reserved for RTE, 15% for SC, 7.5% for ST, 27% for OBC, and 3% horizontally reserved for differently-abled applicants.
Kendriya Vidyalaya School Fee 2023-24
Children enrolled under the 25% reservation mandated by the RTE Act 2009 will not be charged any fees. Additionally, expenses related to NCERT textbooks, note books, stationery, uniforms, and transportation will be repaid if proper bills are submitted. However, this reimbursement will be subject to the ceiling limit and fund availability for only 25% of the admitted children under RTE provisions. Once admitted in Class I under RTE, these children will continue to receive exemptions and concessions until Class VIII, regardless of whether they remain in the same or another Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV) due to transfer. During registration, parents must provide proof of address as well. Employees who are already eligible for fee reimbursement through their departments will not be considered for RTE concessions.
When will KVS Release Notification for offline registrations for admissions 2023?
The KVS has issued a notice regarding offline registrations for admissions in the year 2023. The notification was released on Wednesday, 3rd May 2023. Interested candidates can register for admissions from Thursday, 4th May 2023, until Thursday, 11th May 2023. The list of selected candidates and admissions will take place between the dates of Thursday, 18th May 2023 and Thursday, 25th May 2023.
When will Registration of class 2 at Kendriya Vidyalaya starts for 2023-24?
Registration for students in Class II and above (excluding Class XI) for KVS is available in offline mode, provided there are vacancies in the respective classes. The registration period will be from Monday, April 3, 2023, to Wednesday, April 12, 2023.
When the KVS will release the list of Class II and above for 2023-24?
On 17th April 2023 (Monday), the KVS will release a list of classes starting from Class II and above.
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