♦The latest price list of Hyundai Grand I10 NIOS Sportz Price in CSD Chennai Depot Canteen 2021.
Canteen Stores Department (CSD) under the Ministry of Defence is providing spectacular service to Armed Forces Personnel and Ex-Servicemen. All grocery items, household products including two and four-wheelers are sold through their URC Canteen at a cheaper price than the open market.
We have compiled here the price list of Hyundai cars for your information. The price list below given is based on the CSD Chennai Depot canteen. The indicated below prices may slightly differ from other Depot rates. All personnel and ex-servicemen are requested to contact your nearest CSD dealer for current price and availability before the indent application process.
Hyundai Grand I10 NIOS Sportz CSD Price 2021
- CSD Index Code: 64689
- Hyundai Variant: Grand I10 NIOS Sportz
- Basic Price: Rs. 485621
- CSD RTGS Amount: Rs. 560892
- Eligibility: